Student Success Blog

Graduate Professional Assistantship Opportunity

Graduate Student Life is hiring a Graduate Professional Assistant (GPA) for Graduate Diversity Engagement and Leadership. Learn more and apply for this position below!

About the Position

The Graduate Professional Assistant (GPA) for Graduate Diversity Engagement and Leadership within Graduate Student Life provides leadership and program support for a co-curricular learning series and other special events addressing cross-cultural learning and leadership, via in-person programming and virtual initiatives. The GPA will assist the Assistant Director of Graduate Student Life with curriculum development, facilitator engagement and training, event planning, and administrative management.  The position will report to the Assistant Director of Graduate Student Life.

The official term of the assistantship will begin once a candidate is successfully hired through May 24, 2024.

Learn More

Please check out the job posting for qualifications, responsibilities, and time requirements.

Please direct all queries to Austin A. Deray, Assistant Director of Graduate Student Life, at [email protected].


For best consideration, apply by Friday, October 27.

Upcoming Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Are you an undergraduate student participating in research this academic year? Keep reading to learn more about several exciting opportunities to showcase your hard work and take advantage of professional conferences related to undergraduate research: 

  • Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP)  
    • Application Deadline: October 11, 2023 
  • Network for Undergraduate Research in Virginia (NURVa) 
    • Application Deadline: October 15, 2023 
  • National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2024 
    • Application Deadline: December 8, 2023 
  • CEHD Student Research Symposium 
    • Abstract Submission Window Opens: February 2024 

Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP)  

The Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP) is designed to give undergraduates an authentic research, creative, or scholarly experience under the guidance of a mentor. The applications for Spring 2024 are now open and the deadline for applying is October 11, 2023. For more information, go to the OSCAR website or email [email protected]

Network for Undergraduate Research in Virginia (NURVa)  

The NURVa conference is an opportunity for undergraduates in all disciplines to present their research and creative work at our 4th annual statewide conference. The conference will be held on Saturday, November 18, 2023, on the campus of Hampden-Sydney College in Hampden-Sydney, VA.   

NURVa invites submissions from undergraduates in all disciplines in the categories of oral presentation, poster, or performance. To apply, submit your abstract (750 words maximum) with one letter of support from a faculty mentor endorsing the presentation of the project. The submission deadline for students and for faculty letters is midnight, October 15, 2023. View the submission portal here.  

National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2024  

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) invites undergraduates to participate in the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2024. Abstract submissions are now open until December 8, 2023. OSCAR will cover registration and shared lodging for all Mason undergraduate students accepted to present at NCUR 2024. For further questions about NCUR 2024, reach out to [email protected] or visit their website.   

Interested in engaging in research within CEHD? 

Consider submitting an abstract to participate in the 2024 CEHD Student Research Symposium! The research symposium is open to all students in the College of Education and Human Development at any stage in research. The abstract submission window will be open in early February of 2024. Read a recap of last year’s event here and check the CEHD Student Research Symposium webpage frequently for the most up-to-date information. 

Fall 2023 Scholarship Recipients Announced

One of the most enjoyable initiatives the Office of Student and Academic Affairs leads each semester, with the support of the CEHD Development Team, is awarding numerous scholarships that are funded by, or in the memory of, alumni of the College of Education and Human Development and philanthropists committed to student success.

While our outstanding student recipients receive funds to help defray the cost of attending Mason, the faculty and staff who are charged with reviewing applications benefit as well. They get a glimpse into the inspiring achievements of our applicants and the potential contributions they will make to their respective professions and communities upon graduation.

The College of Education and Human Development is pleased to recognize the undergraduate and graduate scholarship recipients for the Fall 2023 semester below. Congratulations to all of our scholarship and award recipients, and many thanks to our generous donors for making these awards possible! More information about all CEHD scholarships and awards is available here.

Headshot of Dianne McShane
Dianne M.

BSEd Physical Education  

Annandale Woman’s Club Endowed Scholarship Recipient 

Headshot of Helen Agbapuruonwu
Helen A.

BSEd Early Childhood Education for Diverse Learners 

Annandale Woman’s Club Endowed Scholarship Recipient 

Headshot of Sabrina Pherson
Sabrina P.

BSEd Early Childhood Education for Diverse Learners 

The Bernard and Marianne Harless Scholarship Fund Recipient 

Headshot of Ninamarie Avedissian
Ninamarie A.

MEd Curriculum and Instruction (ESOL Education PK-12 Licensure) 

Dr. Marjory F. Brown-Azarowicz Endowed Scholarship in Education Recipient 

Headshot of Heather Garcia
Heather G.

BSEd Early Childhood Education for Diverse Learners 

Dr. Marjory F. Brown-Azarowicz Endowed Scholarship in Education Recipient 

Headshot of Jack Bolz
Jack B.

MEd Curriculum and Instruction (Secondary Education – English) 

Dr. Marjory F. Brown-Azarowicz Endowed Scholarship in Education Recipient 

Headshot of Kyle Mel Delin
Kyle D.

MS Athletic Training 

Kyle Wilson Memorial Scholarship Recipient 

Headshot of Emily Brown
Emily B.

MEd Education Leadership 

Phyllis Cofield Pajardo Scholarship Fund Recipient 

Headshot of Stephanie Vu
Stephanie V.

MEd Curriculum and Instruction (Secondary Education – English) 

Wen Pei Wu Scholarship Recipient 

Headshot of Hannah Park
Hannah P.

MEd Curriculum and Instruction (Secondary Education – Earth Science) 

Hattie M. Strong Foundation (HMSF) Scholarship Recipient 

Headshot of Anita Ostad
Anita O.

MEd Special Education (Early Childhood Special Education Licensure) 

Hattie M. Strong Foundation (HMSF) Scholarship Recipient 

Headshot of Victor Sawhney-Duran
Victor S.

MEd Curriculum and Instruction (Secondary Education – Math) 

Hattie M. Strong Foundation (HMSF) Scholarship Recipient 

Headshot of Madison Schittig
Madison S.

Mason LIFE Program – Comprehensive Certificate 

Mats Hormel vQ Endowed Scholarship Recipient 

Headshot of Markus Hester
Markus H.

Mason LIFE Program – Comprehensive Certificate 

Thomas and Carol Wheeler Fund Scholarship Recipient 

Headshot of Nicholas Ortega
Nicholas O.

Mason LIFE Program – Comprehensive Certificate 

Thomas and Carol Wheeler Fund Scholarship Recipient 

Headshot of Jay Choi
Jay C.

Mason LIFE Program – Comprehensive Certificate 

Bridget Healy Memorial Scholarship Recipient 

Headshot of Nora McKenney
Nora M.

PhD Education (Special Education Specialization)

Helen A Kellar Endowed Graduate Fellowship Recipient 

Headshot of Christopher Claude
Christopher C.

PhD Education (Special Education Specialization)

Helen A Kellar Endowed Graduate Fellowship Recipient 

Headshot of Kaitlynn Fraze
Kaitlynn F.

PhD Education (Special Education Specialization)

Helen A Kellar Endowed Graduate Fellowship Recipient 

Family and Consumer Sciences Scholarship Opportunity

The Virginia FCCLA Leadership Foundation is pleased to offer a $1,000 scholarship to current juniors, seniors, first-year graduate students, or career-switchers enrolled at a Virginia college or university. The focus of the scholarship is for students pursuing a degree in Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) or a related field, with the intention of becoming an FCS teacher and FCCLA adviser.

Many students entering Family & Consumer Sciences Education will often major in a related FCS content area and will then pick up the teaching endorsement.

Related FCS majors for this scholarship include:

  • Child Development and Parenting
  • Culinary Arts
  • Early Childhood Education and Services and Pre-K Education
  • Economics and Personal Finance
  • Education – Grades 6-12
  • Family and Consumer Sciences Education
  • Family and Human Services
  • Family Relations
  • Fashion Design
  • Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation
  • Housing and Interior Design
  • Individual Development
  • Nutrition and Wellness/Dietetics

Students who are not planning to enter FCS teaching at the middle or high school level should not apply.

Complete the application below and email it to [email protected]. Completed applications are due on or before November 1, 2023

Graduate Teaching Professional Development

Are you a graduate student in a teaching role? This semester, there are two professional development opportunities to enhance your skills as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA), Graduate Lecturer (GL), or postdoc scholar. Read below to find out more about the Graduate Teaching Academy starting on Friday, 9/8, and the Graduate Teaching Training in MasonLeaps! 

Graduate Teaching Academy 

The Graduate Teaching Academy encourages participants to connect their scholarly activities with career and professional training centered on skill development. With face-to-face meetings and online modules, students will have opportunities to work with peers from different disciplines, building a community of support and development as they gain practical skills. Participants will work to create challenging and stimulating learning environments, while attending growth-based trainings providing personal enhancement.  

Through a series of monthly face-to-face meetings, students will learn about communication styles in the classroom, assignment design, consideration for classroom activities in online classroom environments and climate, and have access to online modules on grading, assessments, and providing student feedback, and much more. Sessions start on Friday, 9/8, so register now!  

For more information about the Graduate Teaching Academy, contact [email protected]

Graduate Teaching Training 

The new Graduate Teaching Training has launched in MasonLeaps! This online training module serves to introduce appropriate and relevant instructional support and resources, including pragmatic considerations and tools for graduate teaching assistants, graduate lecturers, and postdocs across Mason’s campuses.  

Success as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA), Graduate Lecturer (GL), or postdoc scholar depends on creating a welcoming, well-resourced learning environment. The Graduate Teaching Training, fitting within a bigger picture of graduate preparation at Mason, serves to elevate the overall student experience in the classroom. Register in MasonLeaps!  

Contact [email protected] with questions.