Student Success Blog

VCLA Writing Preparation Workshops

Student's hand writing in a VCLA test booklet

In addition to the resources and workshops already offered at Mason, the Writing Center is now offering VCLA-specific writing preparation.

The VCLA is comprised of multiple-choice questions, as well as summary and composition writing. In an effort to increase scores and provide practice for the VCLA writing components, the Writing Center now offers two workshops to address each writing subtest:

  1. A summary workshop
  2. A composition workshop

Summary Workshop

Wednesday, July 12
5:30 – 6:45 pm

Register Here

In this workshop, students will learn strategies for completing the VCLA Writing Summary assignment. Participants will analyze the summary prompt and sample responses, identify features of successful responses, learn strategies for composing the summary, and practice some of these strategies.

Composition Workshop

Wednesday, July 26
5:30 – 6:45 pm

Register Here

In this workshop, students will learn strategies for completing the VCLA Writing Composition assignment. Participants will analyze the composition prompt and sample responses, identify features of successful responses, learn strategies for composing the composition, and practice some of these strategies.

Pre-Service Teacher Summer 2023 Institute

George Mason University’s ACE-STEM Project Team is excited to host Summer Institute 2023 in June! ACE-STEM stands for “Advancing Content-Integrated Education for English Learners with a STEM Focus,” and is a multi-year grant project funded by the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) in U. S. Department of Education. Starting Fall 2022, our Cohort 1 Teachers from Prince William County Schools began their 5-course studies to earn the Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) as a part of this project and are comprised of content and ESOL teachers from PK-12th Grades.

For ACE-STEM Summer Institute 2023, we are expanding the learning opportunities to pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and educational leaders from our region. Through various presentations and interactive workshops, participants will learn about cutting-edge topics such as content-language integrated STEM education, Translanguaging, ChatGPT, Universal Design for Learning, Media Literacy, Family & Community Engagement, and more! A stipend of $100 per day will be offered.

If you are a Mason student and a PRE-SERVICE teacher, and would like to attend the 2-day event from (6/21-6/22), show your interest by completing the short survey using this link. Please email us at [email protected] with any questions you might have.

Feel free to check out our program at our website:

Mason Korea GPA Position Available

The Office of International Programs and Services (OIPS) is hiring a new Graduate Professional Assistant (GPA) for Mason Korea Student Engagement! This role will serve in direct support of Mason Korea engagement efforts in Fairfax. Learn more about the duties, qualifications, and how to apply below!


The duties of the GPA for Mason Korea Student Engagement will be split between serving Mason Korea students who transitioned to the Fairfax campus and supporting OIPS Engagement Team with general international students’ engagement needs. The GPA will be responsible for the delivery and promotion of engagement and leadership opportunities for Mason Korea students. This position reports to the OIPS Associate Director of Engagement and Assessment, but is expected to work directly, as requested, with the Assistant Dean for University Life and maintain ongoing communication with appropriate stakeholders pertaining to all efforts related to Mason Korea.

Required Skills:
  • Enrolled full-time in one of George Mason University’s graduate programs for the Fall 2023–Spring 2024 academic year;
  • Strong ability to multi-task and manage competing demands in a fast-paced, dynamic, and diverse environment;
  • Exceptional professionalism and a strong work ethic;
  • Excellent interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills;
  • Excellent organizational skills;
  • Demonstrated commitment to diversity and inclusion;
  • Innovative thinker with the ability to take initiative on ideas and projects;
  • Collaborative team player with ability to remain flexible around office and programmatic needs;
  • Excellent computer skills in all Microsoft applications;
  • Experience with marketing and graphic design;
  • Experience with website, newsletter, and multimedia content maintenance;
  • Ability to get from building to building to promote and support events and services;
  • Ability to present, facilitate, and coordinate meetings and events as needed on behalf of University Life and OIPS.

Time Commitments

The GPA position is designed for a 20-hour per week work commitment. The exact schedule may be flexible, depending on needs of the unit. At times, the work may require extended hours and/or night or early morning, or weekend hours.


The Graduate Professional Assistant position will be paid a stipend of:

  • $18,522.00, will be paid on the 1st and 16th of the month for the duration of employment contract period;

Other terms for the position contract include:

  • Tuition grant up to the 6 graduate credits at the equivalent in-state rate, not to exceed $4,800.00 per semester; master’s degree students (with exception of MFA students) who are out-of-state do not receive in-state tuition rates;
  • Participate in the University Life Graduate Staff Academy each month, as class schedule allows;
  • The GPA position is a 9-month contract, August 10, 2023 – May 9, 2024, with the possibility of renewal for a second academic year;

To Apply

To apply, please submit a:

  • Letter of interest,
  • Resume,
  • Fall schedule of classes, and
  • Names and contact information for three professional references

via Handshake (posting #7862977) or to the address listed below. In your application materials, please include:

  • your G#,
  • graduate degree program, and
  • your expected date of graduation

For best consideration, please submit your application by 11:59PM May 25, 2023.


Dr. Yali Pan

Associate Director for Engagement and Assessment

Office of International Programs and Services

4300 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 20330

[email protected]

Read More Below

Just-in-Time Hiring Fair

Just-in-Time Hiring Fair

If you’re searching for a job or internship, our final career events of the academic year are just for you! Join us for a day of job search workshops, resume reviews, and a career fair featuring employers seeking to fill immediate openings. 90+ companies and organizations will be recruiting at the Just-In-Time Hiring Fair on Monday, May 22 from 1 to 4 pm in the lower level of the Johnson Center (Dewberry Hall). 

Schedule of Events

90 Minute Job Search, 9:00 am to 10:30 amHybrid, Merten Hall 1201 and via Zoom Just-In-Time Workshop 2023: 90 Minute Job Search | Handshake (

This interactive workshop will take you through a streamlined 3-step process for how to find, prioritize and proactively contact prospective employers. You will make progress on your job search during the session and leave with a proven strategy for success. To fully participate, we recommend you use a laptop or desktop computer for this session to access the online resources. Join us in-person in Merten 1201 or via Zoom. 

Interviewing with Confidence, 10:45 am to 12:15 pm, Hybrid, Merten Hall 1201 and via Zoom 

Just-In-Time Workshop 2023: Interviewing with Confidence | Handshake (

Great resumes lead to interviews; great interviews get you the job. Interview preparation is an essential part of any successful job search. In this workshop you’ll learn what to do before, during, and after an interview to showcase your relevant skills, education and experience. By popular demand, we’ve added insights into the salary negotiation process to this workshop. Join us in-person in Merten 1201 or via Zoom. 

Career Studio, 9:30 am to 12:00 pm, Merten Hall 1202 

Just-In-Time Workshop 2023: Career Studio | Handshake (

Career Studio is your one-stop shop for career fair prep. Drop in to Merten 1202 between 9:30 and noon for personalized feedback on your resume and Handshake profile, help developing your personal pitch, and guidance on identifying employers right for you at the Just-In-Time Hiring Fair that afternoon. Bring your laptop to update your resume in time for the fair. 

Just-In-Time Hiring Fair, 1 pm to 4 pm, JC Dewberry Hall 

Just-In-Time Hiring Fair

90+ employers will be at the Just-in-Time Hiring Fair on May 22 from 1 to 4 pm. Representatives will be hiring for full-time roles, part-time jobs and internships. If you’re ready for your next career opportunity, don’t miss this event! Bring copies of your resume.

Mixed Methods Research Seminar

The College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University and Panteion University are collaboratively offering a two-day virtual seminar on Mixed Methods Research on Monday, June 19 and Tuesday, June 20 (9 am – 12 pm EDT) for graduate students and other interested scholars. The session will be facilitated by Dr. Divya Varier (George Mason University) along with Dr. Stella Ladi (Panteion University), Dr. Anastasia Kafe (Panteion University), and Megan Stutesman (George Mason University). 

This workshop will introduce participants to the use of mixed methods in social science research. Mixed methods research involves integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches in a research study and is a rapidly developing and widely adopted research approach in recent years. 

The seminar is intended for graduate students in social science disciplines that use predominantly quantitative or qualitative approaches to inquiry. Prior knowledge of, or experience in, mixed methods is not necessary. A basic understanding of quantitative and qualitative research traditions will be helpful. The facilitators will provide reading materials and resources before and during the workshop.

Participation is free for attendees. Interested students and scholars can get more information and apply to participate here.

Additional Information

The virtual seminar will introduce participants to the established, emerging, and potential use of mixed methods in social science research. Mixed methods research broadly involves the integrated use of qualitative and quantitative approaches in a research study. The last three decades were marked by accelerated development and acceptance of mixed methods as a methodological approach.

The two-day workshop will include short lectures and interactive sessions for participants to learn about mixed methods approaches. Participants will generate ideas for using mixed methods in their own field of interest and collaborate with other attendees to critique, reflect on, and brainstorm innovative ways to address various research problems.

The seminar is intended for graduate students in social science disciplines that use predominantly quantitative or qualitative approaches to inquiry. Prior knowledge of or experience in mixed methods is not necessary. A basic understanding of quantitative and qualitative research traditions will be helpful. The facilitators will provide reading materials and resources before and during the workshop.

Please email [email protected] or [email protected] with any questions about the seminar.