If you’re searching for a job or internship, our final career events of the academic year are just for you! Join us for a day of job search workshops, resume reviews, and a career fair featuring employers seeking to fill immediate openings. 90+ companies and organizations will be recruiting at the Just-In-Time Hiring Fair on Monday, May 22 from 1 to 4 pm in the lower level of the Johnson Center (Dewberry Hall).
Schedule of Events
90 Minute Job Search, 9:00 am to 10:30 am, Hybrid, Merten Hall 1201 and via Zoom Just-In-Time Workshop 2023: 90 Minute Job Search | Handshake (joinhandshake.com)
This interactive workshop will take you through a streamlined 3-step process for how to find, prioritize and proactively contact prospective employers. You will make progress on your job search during the session and leave with a proven strategy for success. To fully participate, we recommend you use a laptop or desktop computer for this session to access the online resources. Join us in-person in Merten 1201 or via Zoom.
Interviewing with Confidence, 10:45 am to 12:15 pm, Hybrid, Merten Hall 1201 and via Zoom
Just-In-Time Workshop 2023: Interviewing with Confidence | Handshake (joinhandshake.com)
Great resumes lead to interviews; great interviews get you the job. Interview preparation is an essential part of any successful job search. In this workshop you’ll learn what to do before, during, and after an interview to showcase your relevant skills, education and experience. By popular demand, we’ve added insights into the salary negotiation process to this workshop. Join us in-person in Merten 1201 or via Zoom.
Career Studio, 9:30 am to 12:00 pm, Merten Hall 1202
Just-In-Time Workshop 2023: Career Studio | Handshake (joinhandshake.com)
Career Studio is your one-stop shop for career fair prep. Drop in to Merten 1202 between 9:30 and noon for personalized feedback on your resume and Handshake profile, help developing your personal pitch, and guidance on identifying employers right for you at the Just-In-Time Hiring Fair that afternoon. Bring your laptop to update your resume in time for the fair.
Just-In-Time Hiring Fair, 1 pm to 4 pm, JC Dewberry Hall
90+ employers will be at the Just-in-Time Hiring Fair on May 22 from 1 to 4 pm. Representatives will be hiring for full-time roles, part-time jobs and internships. If you’re ready for your next career opportunity, don’t miss this event! Bring copies of your resume.