Student Success Blog

Midterm Wellness Tip: Prioritize Emotional & Physical Wellbeing

It’s no secret that school is stressful.  When you’re juggling countless responsibilities, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life and forget to make yourself a priority. Keep reading for some simple ways to prioritize your emotional and physical wellbeing. 

Incorporate Mindfulness and Self-Care into Your Daily Routine 

Mindfulness can be used to reduce stress and calm your mind, but it’s also great for improving focus.  An article by Purdue suggests practicing mindful breathing, and emphasizes the importance of getting outside to enjoy nature. 

Always remember to take time to do something you enjoy, even if it’s only for a few minutes! Use a favorite activity to start your day off right, or to give you something to look forward to after completing a task. 

Practice Gratitude 

In stressful times, it’s hard to refocus and think of the good things around you. If writing is your thing, try a gratitude journal. If not, consider incorporating gratitude into mindfulness exercises as a way to appreciate the positive. 

Get Enough Sleep  

If you read our post on Tuesday, you know the importance of maintaining a regular sleep schedule. The CDC recommends that people over the age of 18 need at least seven hours of sleep a night. You will feel better and perform better when you’re well-rested.  

Get Moving 

If you live or take classes on campus, you might be getting some daily exercise walking to and from class. But in an increasingly virtual world, it can be hard to get the recommended 30 minutes of daily exercise.  If you have a full day on Zoom, try to get out for a walk during lunch or after dinner.  Remember to also take advantage of the resources available to you through Mason Recreation.  Grab a friend and try out a new class or online workout together. 

Get Help When You Need It

Most importantly, if you’re struggling, know that you’re not alone and remember to ask for help.  We have a multitude of resources on campus that are designed to help you.  Make an appointment with Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) or Student Health Services if you have concerns about your mental or physical health.  Stay tuned for tomorrow’s blog, which will detail both of these offices, as well as other resources that are available to you as a Mason student.   

Looking to learn more? This article from Chapman University offers suggestions for sustaining health and wellness while in college. 

Midterm Morale Boost Graphic
Join Us for the Midterm Morale Boost 

Are you in need of a boost in the midst of your busy midterm season? Join us on Thursday, March 9 in the Thompson Hall Lobby on the Fairfax Campus for our Spring 2023 CEHD Midterm Morale Boost! From 10:00 am – 12:00 pm, enjoy free snacks and activities like succulent planting and aromatherapy! 

Midterm Wellness Tip: Create Balance & Routine


You may have heard the quote “we all have the same 24 hours in the day.” But when assignment deadlines, personal commitments, and other life responsibilities roll around, it’s easy to feel like you don’t know where those hours went! Establishing a routine filled with balance may help you take charge of your 24 hours. Read below for time management strategies that can help you create a routine that balances all the competing areas of your life while also leaving time for YOU! 

Tackle Small Tasks to Start 

When you have several projects and exams to study for, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. Resist the urge to procrastinate by starting with shorter items. Crossing off a task from your to-do list will give you motivation to get started on those larger projects! 

Give Yourself Breaks 

It may seem counterintuitive to stop working when you have so much to do. But taking breaks can actually help increase your productivity when you are trying to get work done. One way to make the most of your work time is to schedule breaks using The Pomodoro Technique, which involves setting up a timer to have short bursts of uninterrupted working time followed by a scheduled break. However you choose to do it, make sure you are giving yourself time to breathe while knocking out that to-do list! 

Schedule Time to Do Something You Love 

When creating your routine, make sure you leave time for the things you love. While your main goal right now is probably to earn that degree, it is worth noting that you are a dynamic person – your identity as a college student isn’t your whole personality. It is vital for your wellness to focus on what lights you up – and that may require scheduling time in your busy day to do so. So, if you know you get a boost of energy after spending time with friends, don’t feel guilty for scheduling a hang out!  

Interested in learning more time management techniques? View this blog post by Purdue.  

Midterm Morale Boost Graphic
Join Us for the Midterm Morale Boost 

Are you in need of a boost in the midst of your busy midterm season? Join us on Thursday, March 9 in the Thompson Hall Lobby on the Fairfax Campus for our Spring 2023 CEHD Midterm Morale Boost! From 10:00 am – 12:00 pm, enjoy free snacks and activities like succulent planting and aromatherapy! 

Midterm Wellness Tip: Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule

Homework, social commitments, work, relationships, job fairs, classes, career planning, family, the list goes on and on…when you have so much to balance in your day-to-day life, it can be hard to make a good night’s sleep a top priority. Research shows that sacrificing sleep in the short-term can negatively impact your health and well-being long-term. Keep reading to learn about sleep hygiene, why it’s important, and how to improve an inconsistent sleep schedule.

What is Sleep Hygiene? 

Sleep hygiene refers to a set of healthy habits that are critical in getting a restful night’s sleep. By practicing good sleep hygiene, you’ll be more alert and productive during the day. Being consistent in your sleep schedule is a key component of good sleep hygiene. Read below for three ways to build a better sleep routine and improve your sleep hygiene.   

 Find Your Ideal Bedtime 

It may help to set a wake-up goal first, and try to make it about the same time each day (yes, even weekends!). This should be a time that suits your schedule and feels attainable. From there, calculate what time you need to go to bed to get at least seven hours of sleep. Need help finding an ideal bedtime?  Check out this sleep calculator. 

Create a Nighttime Routine  

Your nighttime routine should be simple and manageable. Choose activities that soothe you, like reading a book or practicing meditation. Setting up a comfortable sleep environment should also be part of your nighttime routine. Think white noise, dark room, a cool, comfortable temperature, and no distractions. Experts recommend keeping screens outside of your sleep space. 

Make Waking Up Enjoyable 

Reward your efforts to get out of bed by doing something you enjoy in the morning. Go to a coffee shop you love or make your favorite breakfast. Hit the gym early before it gets crowded. Think about what motivates you and make it a consistent part of your morning routine.   

Other Helpful Tips 

Other helpful tips may include avoiding naps, setting an “electronics curfew” for at least 30 minutes before bed, and being conscious of your caffeine intake. Remember, like with all things, you should focus on progress over perfection. The goal is improved long-term sleep habits, so don’t fret over the occasional late-night or Saturday morning snooze. 

Interested in learning more about the importance of sleep for college students?  

View this blog post by Harvard 

Join Us for the Midterm Morale Boost 

Are you in need of a boost in the midst of your busy midterm season? Join us on Thursday, March 9 in the Thompson Hall Lobby on the Fairfax Campus for our Spring 2023 CEHD Midterm Morale Boost! From 10:00 am – 12:00 pm, enjoy free snacks and activities like succulent planting and aromatherapy! 

Spring 2023 Career Fairs

Are you interested in learning what career opportunities await you after graduation? Looking to make connections with potential employers in your field? Take a moment to scroll through the several Career Fairs taking place at Mason this Spring, some specifically for CEHD students! 

Spring 2023 Career Fair

Mason’s Spring Career Fair is Wednesday, February 22 & Thursday, February 23, and this is your opportunity to meet with employers, connect with alumni, find opportunities, and plan for the future! More than 200 employers will be taking over the entire lower level of the Johnson Center for two days in search of Mason talent to fill full-time positions, part-time jobs, and internships. To help you get ready, University Career Services is hosting two days of Resume Clinic and a Prepare for the Fair Workshop before the big event. Get all the details here!

2023 Education Recruitment Day

Education Recruitment Day will be in Dewberry Hall at the Johnson Center on Wednesday, March 8. There are already 72 employers planning to be on-campus for the day to connect with CEHD students. If you are interested in teaching, counseling, social work, speech language pathology, occupational therapy, or related fields, do not miss this hiring event from 9:00 – 11:30 am. Mark your calendar and put in your leave request from work that day. Employers will be conducting interviews in the afternoon with jobseekers identified at the fair in the morning, so it is possible to have a job offer by the end of the day!

2023 Career Jam
Career Jam Flyer

Are you a Sports, Recreation, and Tourism Management (SRTM), Kinesiology or Communication student looking for potential career or internship opportunities? Stop by the 2023 Career Jam on Tuesday, March 7 from 3 to 6 pm in Dewberry Hall! This is the perfect occasion to find potential internship and job opportunities with top employers in our industries. This event is designed to help you network, explore opportunities within the field, and get a chance to meet with employers who are looking to hire you. You don’t want to miss it! 

Please use this link to RSVP by February 28 at 5 pm. We hope to see you there! 

This event is in collaboration with the School of Sports, Recreation, and Tourism Management (SRTM), the School of Kinesiology (SOK), the Department of Communication, and the College of Visual and Performing Arts. 

Summer 2023 CEHD Study Abroad Opportunities

Are you interested in experiencing different cultures while completing your degree requirements? Consider studying abroad! Faculty from the College of Education and Human Development are leading engaging study abroad opportunities for Summer 2023. Keep reading for information about two of our upcoming trips to Finland and to Germany and France. Be sure to apply by the deadline of March 10, 2023!

Finland – Finnish Education System, Physical Activity, and Sport Culture: Mason-led, Summer 2023

Watch this video by Dr. Risto Marttinen & Dr. Daniel Ferguson to learn more!

Program Overview

Students will travel first from the U.S.A. to Helsinki. There, Mason students board a train to Jyväskylä which is home to the top research university in Finland for sports, physical activity, and physical education. The University of Jyväskylä has offered summer school courses for undergraduate students from around the world for several years. Each summer there are 5 intensive one-week sessions of courses. The specific courses, focusing on human sciences and education are of most interest to students in Kinesiology, the School of Education, and specifically teacher candidates.

Mason students will first take their first course titled “Education in Finland” which highlights one of the best education programs in the world. The second course is “Physical Activity, Sport, Health and Health Promotion: International Perspectives” and takes a global perspective to sports culture. After classes, the university organizes trips with other international students to the lake to enjoy a relaxing sauna, quiz nights with students, as well as excursions to local sporting events. The trip also includes a visit to Helsinki, the 2nd northernmost capital city in the world.

Program Highlights

  • Learn about one of the best education systems in the world focused on equity
  • Explore sporting culture and health through a global lens
  • Interact with students from around the world while learning in a top-rated research university

Learn More & Apply

Germany and France – European Model of Sport: Mason-led, Summer 2023

Program Overview

The European Model of Sport is a study abroad program that takes students on a seminar through Europe, giving them a unique firsthand experience in international sports. The course is designed to introduce students to the European model of sport management, marketing, and sport law; and to provide students with an understanding of the changing context for sport in a global society. Participants will attend lectures from European sport executives, conduct student workshops, participate in organized class discussions as well as activities, and tour sport facilities. The seminar covers two countries: Italy and Greece.  You will be traveling with group from Guilford College (NC) and Troy University (AL), of similar size and academic interest.

Representatives of top international sport organizations will present a wide range of issues during the program. Topics will include the structure and characteristics of European sports, marketing and management in European sports, sports law, professional soccer, handball, etc.

Program Highlights

  • Ten-day tour of 2 European countries
  • Partnered with Troy University
  • Cultural interpretations and their impact on European sport management principles

Learn More & Apply

A Note From The Global Education Office

When you join Mason Nation, you’re already a part of an international community. Our students come from dozens of countries, and faculty members have research partners worldwide.

Opportunities for international study and service abound in every department and program, and the Global Education Office presents several introductory and information programs throughout the school year. 

We’ll help you find the right fit, explore financial aid sources, research visa requirements, and arrange for housing. Our experts will be there for every step of the process.

Get started by filling out a profile. We’ll help you take it from there.