Student Success Blog

2024-25 Scholarship Opportunity for Undergraduate Students

The Kimmy Duong Foundation is excited to announce The Long Nguyen and Kimmy Duong Scholarship Program. This program is for undergraduate students enrolled in Washington, DC area institutions (including George Mason University) for the 2024-25 school year. Each undergraduate scholarship will be $1,000, $2,000 or $3,000 annually. The scholarship is renewable annually for up to 4 years, for students who are pursuing a bachelor’s degree. The application portal is open until March 29, 2024, but only the first 250 applications will be accepted!

Join the Info Session:

A Kimmy Duong Foundation Scholarship Information Session is being held on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 from 12:00 – 1:30pm in George’s on the third floor of the Johnson Center. This is a free event with lunch provided!


These undergraduate scholarships are available to all US Citizens and permanent residents (except the 3 Gold scholarships that will be reserved for Vietnamese students from Vietnam, who have been accepted to US universities) who demonstrate:

  • Outstanding academic achievement
  • Strong leadership potential
  • A track record of service to the communities
  • Pride in their culture and heritage, and
  • A passion to apply their academic background to create a better world
  • Financial need
  • Special consideration will be given to students with unique situations, for example:
    • Low to moderate incomes
    • Single parents returning to school to improve their families’ lives, or
    • Students who are trying to recover from a past criminal record and improve their own lives
    • Attending the scholarship ceremony to accept the scholarship award

More Info & How to Apply:

For more details about qualifications, see the Qualifications – DC/VA/MD page.

To apply for a scholarship, see the Applying – DC/VA/MD page.

Loudoun County Public Schools Interviewing Day at Mason

All Mason degree-seeking students (undergraduate and graduate) and alumni are eligible to participate in the On-Campus Interviewing (OCI) Program. Later this month, Loudoun County VA Public Schools will be conducting interviews for teacher and school counselor positions for the 24-25 school year. Apply by January 26 to participate in the interview day on January 31 from 9:00 am – 4:30 pm. Learn more about the job opportunities they are interviewing for (as well as the interview info) below.

LCPS GMU Interview Sign Up

Interview Information


  • Application deadline: January 26, 2024; Interview date: January 31, 2024


  • University Career Services Office – Student Union Building 1, Room 3400

Related Jobs for Interview:

All Licensed Teachers & School Counselor Positions – looking for students (undergraduate & graduate) majoring in:

  • Elementary Education,
  • Early Childhood Education,
  • Mathematics Education,
  • Secondary Education, and
  • Special Education

How Students Can Sign Up For An Interview:

Step 1: Apply to one of the job postings above
Step 2: Select a time-slot through the interview schedule

Additional LCPS reps will be on campus that same day and hold office hours for students. This is an opportunity for students to speak with a LCPS recruiter for casual, informational conversations about various roles and an opportunity to get your resume reviewed by them!

Student Spotlight: Kyle Delin

In the College of Education and Human Development, our students participate in a wide range of educational opportunities – both inside and outside of the classroom.

Kyle Delin in Radio City Music Hall

This holiday season, Kyle Delin, a student in the MS Athletic Training program, is engaging in the unique opportunity of working with the Radio City Rockettes! Keep reading to find out more about his Practicum experience:

Tell us a little about your Practicum experience. . .

“I am working with the Radio City Rockettes’ Athletic Training department under Madison Square Garden (MSG) Entertainment as their Athletic Training Student Associate. I will have this position for the entirety of the Christmas season while the Rockettes have their Christmas Spectacular show. Since I’ve been here, I have been working with other athletic trainers, physical therapists, and doctors since I’ve been here and have learned a lot from each of them. I’ve also been able to provide evaluation and treatments and prevention techniques for injuries to the performers that they may have sustained during rehearsals. While the show stars the Rockettes, they are not the only performers that I have been able to work with. There are over 100 cast members that I work with between the Rockettes, Ensemble, Singers, etc. Now, we are finalizing the show and have been opened to the public since November 17th. From this point on, I will be working with the other Athletic Trainers to cover the shows through the new year until close of show in January.”

Photo of the Radio City Music Hall stage
What does a typical day look like in your Practicum experience?

“My typical day consists of reporting to Radio City Music Hall to complete pre-rehearsal/show treatments, covering run-throughs of the show/performances, complete post-rehearsal/show treatments. However, these next few weeks will be a bit different. This is because of a handful of appearances that the Rockettes will be having, from the Today Show to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I feel lucky enough to have the opportunity to either attend the appearance or attend the rehearsal preparations for the appearance on site.”

How did you find out about this opportunity?

“I learned about this opportunity through one of my professors, Dr. Ambegaonkar. He had received an email from an MSG employee regarding the position and had our program director, Dr. Mrs. Caswell, share it with everyone in the program. I originally did not believe I would get the position when I had applied but decided to take the chance. I was fortunate enough to be able to interview for the position with the creator of the department and my current mentors/preceptors. The whole process for getting the position, from application to interviews to receiving my offer, took about 4 months and I couldn’t feel any luckier.”

How has this experience shaped your interests/career plans?

“This experience has opened my eyes to the numerous possibilities for my career. I’ve enjoyed working with everyone and could see myself working in this type of setting, however, I also can see myself working in other settings as well, based on my experiences at my other practicum sites. At this point, it’s difficult to say where I would like my career to take me, but either way I know that I will be happy.”

“This experience has opened my eyes to the numerous possibilities for my career.”

Kyle Delin

What has been your favorite memory of Practicum so far?

“So far, my favorite memory that I have of my experience is seeing each of the parts of the show come together. I’ve been able to watch each of the numbers from initial rehearsal to nearly final product come together with choreography, props, stage elements, costumes, etc. and it’s been amazing to see.”

What advice can you share to students going into a new Practicum experience?

“For all students going into a new practicum experience, take the opportunity to learn as much as you can. New techniques, new methods, everything, and anything. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. And don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone does and it will be all right. Make sure to talk with your mentor/preceptor and listen to their feedback. No one is ever perfect, especially not during practicum experiences. This is the time to make mistakes and to learn. It can be nerve-racking and there will be times that you will be completely lost, but it will be okay and you will get through it. Believe in yourself, rely on what you’ve learned from your professors, but also be open to criticism and open to learning other methods/techniques that your mentors/preceptors may have to offer. Doing this will only make you a better professional.”

Are you engaging in an exciting Practicum or internship experience?

Let us know about it! Reach out to Communications Coordinator for Student and Academic Affairs, Anna Ondieki, at [email protected] with details about your upcoming or current opportunity.

First-Gen+ Center is Hiring

The First-Gen+ Center is looking for enthusiastic students to become student peer mentors. These positions will begin during the Spring 2024 semester and will continue through the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Students selected will be REQUIRED to enroll in a UNIV 300-level course during the Spring 2024 semester (typically Thursdays 1:30 – 2:45PM). Applications close on January 7th, 2024 at 11:59PM. 

Please note that there is ONE application for STEP Mentors and First-Gen Peer Mentors. You may note your preference in your cover letter.

(Handshake Job Post #8396727)

First-Gen Peer Mentors

The First-Generation (“First-Gen”) Peer Mentoring program is a program to support first gen student success at George Mason University. First-Gen Peer Mentors will provide support while serving as a positive role model for these students. 

STEP Peer Mentors

The Student Transition Empowerment Program (STEP) is an initiative of the First-Gen+ Center created to enhance the recruitment, engagement and retention of first-generation college students accepted to George Mason University. STEP mentors play an integral role in helping incoming STEP students transition and build community at Mason.


Please email [email protected].

Funding Opportunities Available Now to Mason Graduate Students

The Graduate Division has a pool of funds available to help Mason graduate students earn their degrees and conduct research. Read below for information about currently available funding opportunities. 

Dissertation Completion Grants

(Closing November 1, 2023)

These competitive awards go to doctoral students in the final semester of completing their dissertations. They enable students to focus full-time on research and writing, improve the quality of their work, and shorten the time needed to complete their degrees.  

  • For the TOC template, please click here.  
  • To download an information sheet about this award, please click here
  • Email the Graduate Division for more information about Dissertation Completion Grants. 
  • Click here to APPLY! 

High Impact Grants

(Closing November 8, 2023)

These competitive grants are a new funding opportunity for master’s and doctoral students. They provide tuition support for graduate students’ courses that significantly enhance training and education and/or satisfy credit-bearing requirements towards completion of the graduate degree.  

  • To download an information sheet about this award, please click here
  • Email the Graduate Division for more information about High Impact Grants.  
  • To review a list of courses that are eligible to apply for this award, please click here
  • Click here to APPLY!  

Graduate Student Travel Fund

(Open Year Round) 

This fund helps cover the costs of doctoral and master’s students attendance at and participation in professional conferences. Proof of payment and attendance is required. Details are available at this link

More Funding Opportunities From The Graduate Division

Interested in learning about all the funding opportunities from the Graduate Division for the 2023-2024 academic year? Click on the image below!

Graduate Division AY 2023-2024 Award Schedule