Student Success Blog

2024-25 Scholarship Opportunity for Undergraduate Students

The Kimmy Duong Foundation is excited to announce The Long Nguyen and Kimmy Duong Scholarship Program. This program is for undergraduate students enrolled in Washington, DC area institutions (including George Mason University) for the 2024-25 school year. Each undergraduate scholarship will be $1,000, $2,000 or $3,000 annually. The scholarship is renewable annually for up to 4 years, for students who are pursuing a bachelor’s degree. The application portal is open until March 29, 2024, but only the first 250 applications will be accepted!

Join the Info Session:

A Kimmy Duong Foundation Scholarship Information Session is being held on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 from 12:00 – 1:30pm in George’s on the third floor of the Johnson Center. This is a free event with lunch provided!


These undergraduate scholarships are available to all US Citizens and permanent residents (except the 3 Gold scholarships that will be reserved for Vietnamese students from Vietnam, who have been accepted to US universities) who demonstrate:

  • Outstanding academic achievement
  • Strong leadership potential
  • A track record of service to the communities
  • Pride in their culture and heritage, and
  • A passion to apply their academic background to create a better world
  • Financial need
  • Special consideration will be given to students with unique situations, for example:
    • Low to moderate incomes
    • Single parents returning to school to improve their families’ lives, or
    • Students who are trying to recover from a past criminal record and improve their own lives
    • Attending the scholarship ceremony to accept the scholarship award

More Info & How to Apply:

For more details about qualifications, see the Qualifications – DC/VA/MD page.

To apply for a scholarship, see the Applying – DC/VA/MD page.

Upcoming Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Are you an undergraduate student participating in research this academic year? Keep reading to learn more about several exciting opportunities to showcase your hard work and take advantage of professional conferences related to undergraduate research: 

  • Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP)  
    • Application Deadline: October 11, 2023 
  • Network for Undergraduate Research in Virginia (NURVa) 
    • Application Deadline: October 15, 2023 
  • National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2024 
    • Application Deadline: December 8, 2023 
  • CEHD Student Research Symposium 
    • Abstract Submission Window Opens: February 2024 

Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP)  

The Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP) is designed to give undergraduates an authentic research, creative, or scholarly experience under the guidance of a mentor. The applications for Spring 2024 are now open and the deadline for applying is October 11, 2023. For more information, go to the OSCAR website or email [email protected]

Network for Undergraduate Research in Virginia (NURVa)  

The NURVa conference is an opportunity for undergraduates in all disciplines to present their research and creative work at our 4th annual statewide conference. The conference will be held on Saturday, November 18, 2023, on the campus of Hampden-Sydney College in Hampden-Sydney, VA.   

NURVa invites submissions from undergraduates in all disciplines in the categories of oral presentation, poster, or performance. To apply, submit your abstract (750 words maximum) with one letter of support from a faculty mentor endorsing the presentation of the project. The submission deadline for students and for faculty letters is midnight, October 15, 2023. View the submission portal here.  

National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2024  

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) invites undergraduates to participate in the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2024. Abstract submissions are now open until December 8, 2023. OSCAR will cover registration and shared lodging for all Mason undergraduate students accepted to present at NCUR 2024. For further questions about NCUR 2024, reach out to [email protected] or visit their website.   

Interested in engaging in research within CEHD? 

Consider submitting an abstract to participate in the 2024 CEHD Student Research Symposium! The research symposium is open to all students in the College of Education and Human Development at any stage in research. The abstract submission window will be open in early February of 2024. Read a recap of last year’s event here and check the CEHD Student Research Symposium webpage frequently for the most up-to-date information. 

Undergraduate Research Assistant Position with INTO Mason 

INTO Mason is hiring an Undergraduate Research Assistant to support a curriculum development grant seeking to: 

  • Integrate and align civic engagement and antiracist and inclusive excellence (ARIE) learning goals throughout the undergraduate International Pathways curriculum  
  • Redesign key courses to ensure that they suit the linguistic and cultural needs of Pathway students and Direct Entry international students at both Fairfax and Mason Korea campuses  

The changes we propose within and across these courses would result in a well-scaffolded, intentional integration of learning outcomes related to civic engagement, antiracism, inclusion, and equity, with materials and activities designed to meet the needs of international students and multilingual learners. With the curricular changes we propose, international students would be prepared to engage more fully in campus and community life and conversations around antiracism and inclusion.  

The undergraduate RA would work from August 2023 – June 2024, on the following tasks:  

  • Independently researching diverse art, literature, music and other media from diverse cultural groups in the U.S.  
  • Organizing and summarizing research   
  • Researching and developing culturally and linguistically appropriate course materials  
  • Testing course materials and activities as well as survey or interview questions  
  • Recruiting research participants  
  • Conducting interviews, observations, or other data collection  


  • Strong interest in Social Sciences, History, Literature, Art, or Education  
  • Ability to work well independently  
  • Strong research, organization, and communication skills  
  • Excellent attention to detail  

Pay: $15/hour, maximum of $4000/semester  


  1. Submit CV and Cover Letter to [email protected] or on Handshake  
  1. Submit 2-3 minute video explaining your interest and fit for this position:  (Join code: b1236cee) 

The First-Gen+ Center is Hiring Undergraduate Students

The First-Gen+ Center has two job openings available to undergraduate students. Below you will find the job posting flyers and more information about both positions. Both positions focus on supporting first-generation college students with one focusing specifically on our STEP scholars and the Program itself. 

STUDENT SUPPORT COORDINATOR for Student Transition Empowerment Program ($12/hr)


The Student Support Coordinator (STEP) will work with students who have completed the summer Student Transition Empowerment Program (STEP) and are actively enrolled at Mason. STEP scholars are encouraged to apply. Responsibilities are focused on three main areas: event planning, outreach, data management, and committee-based work.


STUDENT SUPPORT COORDINATOR for First-Gen Programs ($12/hr)   


The Student Support Coordinator for First-Gen Programs will support campus-wide outreach and programming for first-generation college students. Responsibilities are focused on three main areas: event planning, outreach, data management, and committee-based work.
