Brain Breaks

Working long periods of time with no rest leads to exhaustion and stress, which results in a lack of focus and frustration.

Breaks are necessary. It’s better to plan for breaks in advance and feel guiltless taking them than it is to “power through” and get frustrated with yourself when your body or mind demand you take them. So go ahead and lean into them. 

We’ve gathered some “brain breaks” to help you rest or refresh during your timed breaks. Some will make you laugh, some will encourage you to rest, and some will get your creative juices flowing. You’re free to select any that sound good to you, or even something not on our list. It doesn’t necessarily matter what you do during your break; it only matters that you are breaking. So go ahead, Writer – set a timer, rejuvenate yourself, and then get back to work! 

Go for a Spin:

Spin our “Brain Break” wheel and commit to whatever activity it lands on.

CEHD Coloring Page
Be Colorful:

Print and color our CEHD coloring sheet.​​​​​​​

Make a Bookmark:

Watch this YouTube tutorial and make your own origami bookmark.

Watch & Learn:

Watch this funny, informative Ted Talk by Shawn Achor.