
Two New Degree Names for SRTM

Students in the School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management (SRTM) will notice an exciting change for this fall. The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) has approved two new degrees to replace SRTM’s Bachelor of Science in Health, Fitness, and Recreation Resources (HFRR) degree. The new degrees are Bachelor of Science (BS), Sport Management, and Bachelor of Science (BS), Recreation Management. Read on to see why this change is both simple and significant for CEHD students.

Why would SRTM want to rename and divide the HFRR degree into the two new degrees?

A desire for clarity and consistency with the industry lies at the heart of the change. According to Dr. Laurence Chalip, Director of the School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management, “The new degree titles are more descriptive of each specialization. The old title was somewhat unusual, so students and their families often did not fully appreciate or recognize what was being offered. The new degree titles are consistent with each specialization, and are in keeping with degree foci parents and students will see at other institutions, and with students’ career aspirations. So, the new titles should help students and their families better recognize the training that is being offered.”

Parks and Outdoor Recreation students
Sport Management students

Does this change affect current students?

Students beginning their degree path in SRTM this fall have automatically been enrolled in the new degree programs. Continuing students currently enrolled in the HFRR degree program have the option to shift to the new Sport Management and Recreation Management bachelor’s degrees after consulting with their academic advisor. Because requirements for the old and new degrees are very similar, the shift from HFRR to a new Sport or Recreation Management BS should be seamless.

What is the benefit to students?

Name recognition. While SRTM is known for its cutting-edge curriculum and already enjoys close relationships within the industry, the name change is likely to further enhance student opportunities and graduate placement. The new degree names will represent SRTM graduates more precisely to potential employers and help graduates move more effectively into positions of leadership in the field.

How do the new degree names align with SRTM’s goals?

According to Dr. Chalip, “The School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management capitalizes fully on the unique skills and experience of its faculty as well as the many opportunities afforded by our outstanding location in the Washington metro area. We work tirelessly to assure that our students are among the best prepared in the nation. The new degrees recognize the quality and opportunities that our programs deliver.”