Student Success Blog

Strategies for Becoming a Productive Academic Writer

Dr. Erin Peters-Burton will be leading a workshop for CEHD students interested in improving their academic writing with an aim to becoming published.  Strategies for Becoming a Productive Academic Writer will be held on Thursday, October 25 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm in 2007 Thompson Hall.  The presentation will include:

  • Resources to develop and improve your academic writing style
  • Tips to keep the writing process moving and navigate road blocks
  • How to target your submissions
  • Handling rejection, revision, and resubmission
  • Methods and motivators for successful academic writing

Dr. Peters-Burton is the Donna R. and David E. Sterling Endowed Professor in Science Education and the Director of the Center for Social Equity through Science Education at Mason. She is an accomplished researcher, author, and editor of numerous academic publications in the field of science education.

This event is powered by the CEHD Office of Student and Academic Affairs.  Registration is required.  For additional information please visit the registration page or contact