Each year, faculty in the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) come together to select an outstanding student in their program to receive the honor of being named as their program award winner. Students selected for this award embody the very best of their program: they excel in their studies; they demonstrate leadership in classes and internships; and they have a genuine and tenacious passion for their discipline.

The College of Education and Human Development faculty in Athletic Training Education have chosen
Enyiah Genesie
as the recipient of the
2021 Janet J. Lozar Commemorative Award for Outstanding Student in Athletic Training
Q & A with Outstanding Student in Athletic Training, Enyiah Genesie:
What part of your Mason experience are you most proud of?
I am proud of myself for presenting my research at the Virginia Athletic Trainers’ Association through the Student Symposium.
What are your future plans, goals, and dreams?
In the future, I plan to become the head Athletic Trainer at a secondary school in the DC metro area. A dream of mine is to become an Athletic Trainer for Olympic track athletes.
What is your favorite memory from your time in the College of Education and Human Development?
My favorite memory in CEHD was our visit to the cadaver lab.
What advice do you have for fellow CEHD students?
I advise fellow CEHD students to manage your time well, stay organized, and maintain a work-life balance that allows you to still find joy in your studies.
Would you like to give any shout-outs to those who supported you along the way?
I would love to give a shout-out to my support system. I want to thank my family and friends for reassuring me throughout the process. I am grateful to the many faculty members and preceptors in the program for strengthening my knowledge base. Lastly, I want to thank Ms. Ausborn for building my confidence as a clinician and teaching me what it means to be an ATC.