Student Success Blog

Assessing Cultural Competency: Graduate Student Survey

M.S. in Educational Psychology student, John Donnelly, is seeking graduate students to assist in thesis-related data collection by participating in an online survey.  Please read his message below.


Hello Fellow Mason Graduate Student,

My name is John Donnelly, and I am a student in GMU’s M.S. in Educational Psychology Program. I am currently conducting research focused on the cultural competence of faculty members in terms of how they interact with underrepresented minority graduate students.

Given the racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity that exists amongst our graduate students, this research on cultural competence is particularly relevant to our academic community, which is why your willingness to help advance this research by participating in a Qualtrics Survey would be so important and impactful!

Participation in this study is open to all Graduate Students, regardless of your race, ethnicity, cultural background, or your academic program of study.

Your assistance can contribute greatly towards improving underrepresented minority students’ experiences in graduate school, and your participation in this research via the completion of this Qualtrics Survey would be greatly appreciated!

Best Regards,

John Donnelly