
Research Survey: Sexual Assault on College Campuses

As part of the College of Education and Human Development’s continuing efforts to support student research here at George Mason University, we are sharing this research study participation request:

Sexual Assault on College Campuses – Anonymous Research Survey

You are invited to participate in a research study by completing an anonymous online survey examining unwanted sexual experiences during college.  We are seeking female undergraduate students to participate.  Your voice is very important, and we want you to feel comfortable answering the survey questions. The survey will be anonymous; we will not ask your name or collect any IP addresses. Participation in this study involves 10-15 minutes of your time.
To access the anonymous survey, please click here:
Please feel free to share this link with any fellow students at GMU you think might be interested in participating in this study.


Thank you,

Amy Graham, Co-Investigator & Dr. R. Kevin Mallinson, Principal Investigator

Study Title: Exploring Unwanted Sexual Experiences during College

IRBnet # 1326775-3