
Research Survey: Food Insecurity at George Mason

As part of the College of Education and Human Development’s continuing efforts to support student research here at George Mason University, we are sharing this research study participation request:


Dear fellow Mason Patriots,

My name is Candace Garthee and I am an undergraduate student conducting OSCAR research on the topic of food insecurity at George Mason. This research is important because it helps to fill a significant gap in the literature on food insecurity among college students, which one study found could be up to 36%. Knowing the scale of food insecurity at Mason is important in order to create a safe and healthy learning environment that addresses the needs of all students. 

If you are a currently-enrolled undergraduate student, please help contribute to this research by taking five minutes to complete this survey. In appreciation of your participation, you may choose to enter into a drawing for a $50 Amazon digital gift card upon completion of the survey. All survey responses will remain anonymous.


Survey Link: 

IRBNet Project Number: 1340881-1

PI: Dr. Kerri LaCharite | (412) 781-0179

Thank you in advance for your time.



Candace Garthee

George Mason University, 2018

Environmental & Sustainability Studies, B.A

Sustainability Intern, Mason Dining

OSCAR Undergraduate Scholar