Each year, faculty in the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) come together to select an outstanding student in their program to receive the honor of being named as their program award winner. Students selected for this award embody the very best of their program: they excel in their studies; they demonstrate leadership in classes and internships; and they have a genuine and tenacious passion for their discipline.

The College of Education and Human Development faculty in Sport Management have chosen
Rafael Aragao
as the
2021 Charley Casserly Outstanding Student in Sport Management
Q & A with Charley Casserly Outstanding Student in Sport Management, Rafael Aragao:
What part of your Mason experience are you most proud of?
I’m most proud of the relationships that I was able to make with the professors at Mason. They are committed to providing the best experience to the students, and they are genuinely interested in our academic and professional success. It was a privilege to be taught by all the great professors in the Sport Management program. Their excellence in teaching inspired me to graduate with a 4.0 GPA.
What are your future plans, goals, and dreams?
My short-term goal is to conclude the master’s in Sport Management at the end of 2021. Then, my focus will be devoted to growing Total Athlete, an online strength & conditioning company that I created during my undergraduate internship at Mason.
What is your favorite memory from your time in the College of Education and Human Development?
In my first month of class at Mason, I read the wrong chapter for Dr. Aylsworth’s class and got four out of five questions wrong for a little quiz she gave us. From that moment on, I was committed to graduate with a 4.0 GPA. I still have the graded quiz on my desk at home.
What advice do you have for fellow CEHD students?
Turn your electronics off and emerse yourself in the assigned readings and lectures. It will save you time and help you succeed. Lastly, write “listen” in your notebook before the professor starts the lecture. This simple gesture will remind you to be present.
Would you like to give any shout-outs to those who supported you along the way?
First and foremost, I want to thank Michelle Gnoleba, my academic advisor, for making me feel welcomed when I first contacted her about the Sport Management program. It was clear to me that Mason was the right school for me. I also want to thank Dr. Esherick for providing motivation and guidance during the development of Total Athlete; Dr. Chalip for the excellent counseling and discussions about Sport Management, sports, life, and many other topics; Dr. Kelly Morgan, Dr. Baker, Dr. Chris Green, Dr. Rodgers, and Mr. Carter were also great professors that taught me valuable lessons that I will be forever grateful for. I also want to give a special shout-out to Dr. Aylsworth for being one of the best professors I ever had. My academic success is due to your commitment to excellence in teaching. It was an honor being in your classroom. Lastly, I want to thank my wife, Tania, for her motivation, support, and encouragement throughout this journey. You made me believe that I could succeed, and when I doubted myself, you knew exactly how to push me forward.