
Private/Independent Schools Infosession

Southern Teachers, in conjunction with Career Services, is holding virtual office hours for George Mason students to learn about teaching jobs at K-12 private/independent schools and their free job placement services:

How to find a Private School Teaching Job

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Sign up for a 15-minute Zoom meeting via my Calendly

Could these teaching jobs be for you?

Completion of a teacher-education program is essential for some positions (e.g., elementary teachers), but for many jobs a teaching certificate is not required.  Math majors can be hired to teach math, Spanish majors can teach Spanish, etc.

Why teach at independent schools?

Small class sizes, curricular flexibility, college-bound students, and close-knit communities make these schools rewarding places to teach!

Sign up for a chat to learn more about how we help college graduates find jobs at college-preparatory schools around the South.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions!

Maggie Goodman | Recruiter

434-295-9122 |