Beginning this fall, George Mason University approved a university-wide change to the rules pertaining to repeating courses (AP. 1.3.4 in the Catalog). You are now limited in taking courses designated as “non-repeatable for credit” to a total of three times. Dropping or withdrawing (W grade) from a course is not counted as a repeat in this policy. Permission for a fourth attempt must be requested via your academic advisor, and might not be approved.
Given these new repeat limits, if you are repeating a course we strongly encourage you to actively ensure your success by doing the following:
- Let your course instructor know that you are reattempting the course and ask about ways to be successful this time.
- Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor to discuss your academic progress this semester.
- Utilize the academic support resources such as:
Do you have more questions about the Course Repeat policy? Contact the CEHD Office of Student and Academic Affairs. We’re here to help.