Student Success Blog

CEHD Student Success Envoys are recruiting!

The CEHD Student Success Team has concluded that a successful student is one who is: informed, engaged, and present.

Student Success Envoys are the embodiment of this success formula – they are informed of university and college happenings and processes, engaged in classroom and extracurricular activities, and present physically, mentally, and emotionally, pausing often to reflect on their collegiate journey.

Members accepted into this organization will be charged with thoughtfully delivering this “student success formula” as they serve as ambassadors for the College and provide faculty and staff with insight into the CEHD student experience. Student Success Envoys should possess strong leadership skills to support them in fulfilling varying and diverse roles such as assisting with CEHD signature events and functions, including Welcome Back events, the Student Research Symposium, Degree Celebrations, and more. 

Do you think you have what it takes? If so, here’s your chance to stand out amongst peers while gaining valuable skills and experience for your resume and networking with CEHD faculty and staff.


There are numerous benefits associated with being a CEHD Student Success Envoy. These benefits include:

  • Letter of recommendation upon program completion (if in good standing with the organization)
  • Lunch with the Deans
  • CEHD Student Success Envoy accessory to wear at graduation
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Networking with CEHD faculty and staff
  • Leadership and professional experience for your resume
  • Community service hours
  • Social activities


This role requires dedicated students who are eager to provide outstanding service to CEHD, as an extension of the Student Success Team. Eligibility requirements are as follows:

  • Be a student enrolled full-time or part-time in a CEHD academic program
  • Have a minimum of two full semesters left until program completion (Spring 2020 and Fall 2020)
  • Have, and maintain, a 3.0 cumulative GPA or better
  • Demonstrate ability to be reliable, responsible, and flexible
  • Demonstrate ability to work and communicate effectively with a diverse group of people

Please note: Membership is open to in-state, out-of-state, and international students.


Student Success Envoys are expected to engage in the following organizational, collegiate, service, and social opportunities:

  • Student Success Envoy Meet and Greet and Training
  • Student Success Envoy meetings (once a month)
  • CEHD Signature Events, initiatives, and functions (at least two per semester)
  • CEHD Student Success blog post (at least one per semester)
  • Student Success Envoy Service events (at least one per year)
  • Student Success Envoy Social events (at least one per semester)


In order to be considered for membership, you must complete the online application by Friday, November 1, 2019. After review, those selected to move forward will be invited to participate in a 20-minute in-person interview to be held on Wednesday, November 6, or Thursday, November 7, 2019.

We look forward to receiving your application! If you have any questions, please contact the CEHD Student Success Envoy Advisor, Brianna Alford, via e-mail at [email protected].