Student Success Blog

Ashley Candeletti

Each year, faculty in the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) come together to select an outstanding student in their program to receive the honor of being named as their program award winner. Students selected for this award embody the very best of their program: they excel in their studies; they demonstrate leadership in classes and internships; and they have a genuine and tenacious passion for their discipline.

Ashley Candeletti
The College of Education and Human Development faculty in Secondary Education have chosen

Ashley Candeletti

as the

2021 Outstanding Student in Secondary Education – Science

Q & A with Outstanding Student in Secondary Education – Science, Ashley Candeletti:

What part of your Mason experience are you most proud of?

I am proud of completing my graduate degree and I am thankful for all of the relationships I have made throughout the program.

What are your future plans, goals, and dreams?

My goals are to continue teaching middle school life science as well as coaching high school soccer.

What is your favorite memory from your time in the College of Education and Human Development?

My favorite memory was when I first implemented a lesson during my student teaching. I felt confident and the lesson went great! It was that moment when I knew that I could really achieve my goal of becoming a teacher.

What advice do you have for fellow CEHD students?

Make friends with your classmates and build relationships with your professors. You and your classmates are in this together so support, encourage, and push each other towards success. Also look to your professors, they are all amazing, knowledgeable, and are there to help!

Would you like to give any shout-outs to those who supported you along the way?

I would like to thank my family and friends for their support, my professors for their guidance, and my classmates for their continued encouragement!

Congratulations and best of luck, Ashley!