Each year, faculty in the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) come together to select an outstanding student in their program to receive the honor of being named as their program award winner. Students selected for this award embody the very best of their program: they excel in their studies; they demonstrate leadership in classes and internships; and they have a genuine and tenacious passion for their discipline.
This year, faculty in the Early Childhood Education program have selected Victoria Huynh as the Outstanding Student in Early Childhood Education for Diverse Learners. Congratulations, Tori!

Q & A with Outstanding Student in Early Childhood Education for Diverse Learners, Tori Huynh:
What academic accomplishments are most proud of?
Teaching is my passion and I am happy that it can be recognized through this award by the CEHD faculty, professors, and by my classmates.
What organizations/affiliations have you been involved with while at Mason?
I am a charter sister of Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc, involved in the Asian Pacific American Coalition (APAC,) and the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC).
What are your plans after graduation?
I am currently applying for Grades 1-3 teaching positions in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). I hope to be a first year teacher in FCPS by Fall 2020!
What is your favorite memory in CEHD or your favorite part of being a CEHD student?
I’ve had so many great memories as a CEHD student! They all revolve around my fellow classmates/future educators. I’ve made so many incredible friends who I know will become intentional teachers.
Some of my favorite memories took place:
- In Dr. Steen’s 503 class where we made face masks, played drums, created patterns with stomps, claps, dance moves, and when I made an ASMR flipgrid when I lost my voice!
- In Daniel’s 512 class when my table started the snacks potluck, and we did reader’s theatre, and had good class discussions.
- In Carley’s Science 516 class where we shared lesson plans such as building lava lamps, creating the solar system with toilet paper in the hall, implemented lessons at the GMU CDC, and visited the children’s lab in Fair Oaks Mall.
- In Samita’s policy class, when my group’s final presentation was the best because it was filled with bitmojis, which I carried on to use currently in my online distance learning slides for my kindergarten class!
- In my internship placements, where I built connections with my mentor, students, and admin/staff at each school. I LOVE both placements and have been learning so so much!
- I loved all my classes and my professors because the courses challenged me to learn and try new things and I was able to collaborate and learn from my peers.
Of all my favorite memories, the ones I remember best are the ones where I was fully engaged in hands-on learning. I truly believe that students retain the most information and truly understand objectives through engagement.
What advice do you have for fellow CEHD students (especially those that are not graduating yet)?
- Have fun with the program. Get to know your professors, advisors, and other office admin.
- Make friends, collaborate, continue to connect with your peers after the class is over because you never know, they could be your fellow teacher friends in the school you teach at!
- Make your lesson plans count, even if it takes a lot of time, you can use it again in real classroom instruction.
- Lastly, If your classes are all 4:30-7:10 or 7:20-10, make sure to bring snacks! Thanks to all my professors for letting me eat in their classes because I do my best learning when I am snacking, so do what’s best for you. I still remember my name tent for Carley’s class, (she asks you to write your name and an adjective to describe you: mine said Tori, Hungry.) Get your basic needs met!
Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself?
I am really honored to receive this award. If any FCPS principals are reading my post and amazed at how passionate I am about teaching, please hire me 🙂