Student Success Blog

INTO Mason Graduate Research Assistant Position Available

Graduate Research Assistant: International Student Graduate Transitions

INTO George Mason University

Job Summary  

The graduate student assistant position is a paid position for the 2022-23 academic year designed to support a curriculum impact grant for INTO George Mason University Graduate International Pathways Program. The hallmark of INTO Mason’s scaffolded curriculum for international students is the series of transition courses that function as an extension of orientation and emphasizes academic and professional development. The courses as a whole are meant to help students acculturate, acclimate and see themselves as belonging to the community of George Mason University. The grant seeks to enhance support for the international graduate transition program by researching international student transition to study in the U.S. and redesigning the transition courses to be more inclusive in nature, and applicable to international graduate students in units across the university.

Duties and Responsibilities

The graduate student assistant will work in tandem with faculty from INTO George Mason University to research, pilot, and redesign the graduate transition course.  Duties will be as follows: 

  • Explore and research the advantages and challenges of existing graduate transition programs for international students
  • Complete a review of literature on the transition and acclimatization of international students to the U.S. higher education environment
  • Review existing INTO Mason course and curriculum materials and meet with faculty teaching the transition courses
  • Outreach to local area units to discover needs of international students and learning goals for this type of course
  • Solicit, receive and present feedback on the transition course from units, students, professors after completion of fall 2022 semester
  • Hold focus groups in spring 2023 semester to determine next steps in implementation 
  • Discuss and promote the course to local area units for increased enrollment beyond INTO Mason
  • Other duties as assigned

The experience gained from this will improve your knowledge of issues related to international education and inclusion in higher education as well as build curriculum development skills. Further, work on this grant can lead to future participation in a professional conference presentation and/or contribution to a publication.


Applicants must be enrolled in a master or doctorate program at George Mason University. Prior experience with international education preferred.


The graduate assistant will maintain a working schedule of 20 hours per week, or as determined from the time of hiring until May 24, 2023, with a $9,000 stipend per semester.


If interested, please send your resume and a short cover letter expressing interest in the position to Dr. Aimee Weinstein at [email protected] and Dr. Amy Lewis at [email protected]. For full consideration, apply by September 16, 2022.