The Spring 2021 CEHD Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Writer’s Retreat allows you to experience the productivity of CEHD’s traditional, in-person Writer’s Retreat in the safety of your own space!
Registering for this asynchronous, self-guided event will give you access to a virtual “kit” that includes everything you need to successfully conduct your own writer’s retreat and accomplish your academic writing goals.
Registration for the Spring ’21 Writer’s Retreat is now closed. If you registered for the retreat, check your Mason email on Saturday, March 13 for access instructions.
- Registration closes on Wednesday, March 10, at 11:59 pm.
- All registrants will receive instructions on how to access their DIY Kit by Sunday, March 14.
- Students must commit to completing their DIY Writer’s Retreat between Monday, March 15, and Monday, March 22.
- Students who desire additional accountability or community can join with their peers and pledge to conduct their retreats on our designated CEHD writing day – Saturday, March 20.
Questions? Please contact CEHD Student Enrichment Coordinator, Brianna Alford, at balford@gmu.edu.
We look forward to cheering you on as you buckle down and commit to an uninterrupted day of writing!
The CEHD DIY Writer’s Retreat is coordinated by the CEHD Office of Student and Academic Affairs. This event is open to CEHD graduate students only.